How to remove pimple marks or dark spots from face with home made products
Pimple marks or dark spots often increases with age, which do not sound good to watch. Due to strong sunlight and the absence of physical health are also freckled face. Jamison rid of the problem can be found easily by home remedies.
* Face off of the heat spot to take half a lemon and half a teaspoon turmeric and gram flour two. Now these things paste mixed together well - like a bike. Mix three or four times, put on face masks. Heat spot will be eliminated and your face will be sparkles.
* Face fresh lime in the Milne Jamison benefit from.
* Heat spot on the face are due to intense sunlight exposure. So far as possible from the sun to prevent affecting the face.
* Apples and apple pulp on the face Milne are away from the heat spot.
* Do not sleep at night are also freckled face, to remove the rinse face before going to bed. Then three or four in a teaspoon almond cream make grinding a mixture of both, then massage the mixture on the face and go to sleep with a light hand. Gram up to the morning wash the face. You will benefit from using this amazing.
* Jamison to finish the regular use of the food in the salad.
*The day without a glass of carrot juice, salt - pepper mixed drink, it will face the tulip, will also end the heat spot.
* Fresh tomatoes cut in the face lightly with hands to massage the face after a few days will reduce the heat spot and texture will also rose.
Tags: About Life, Home Recipes, Skin problems
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